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MACE-ICH trial

MAnnitol for Cerebral oEdema after IntraCerebral Haemorrhage

Trial documents


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Approved protocol

Trial documents

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Site training

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Information sheets and consent forms

Pharmacy documents

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REC documents

MHRA documents

Substantial amendments

  » SA-01-23 /

Minor amendments

Trial working practice documents


Printable CRFs

(updated 101 days ago)
  • Randomisation v1.2
  • Day 1 follow-up at 24 hours v1.3
  • Day 2 follow-up at 48 hours v1.3
  • Day 5 follow-up v1.2
  • Day 28 follow-up v1.2
  • Discharge or death in hospital v1.1
  • Serious Adverse Event or outcome v1.2
    (see also list of sub-categories)
  • Protocol violation v1.0
  • Site-to-site transfer v1.0
  • Data correction request v1.0
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