Date |
CRF / version |
Details of changes |
20 Jul 2022 |
Day 000 clinical
Replaced single question for Barthel Index with a new section.
Day 014 primary outcome
Replaced single question for Barthel Index with a new section.
4 Aug 2022 |
Protocol violation
Day 014 primary outcome
1 Sep 2022 |
Day 000 IQCODE
Day 014 IQCODE
Day 090 IQCODE
Day 180 IQCODE
Day 365 IQCODE
Day 000 cognition
Day 014 cognition
Day 090 cognition
Day 000 clinical
Added calculation for NIHSS Cog4 score.
Day 014 primary outcome
Added calculation for NIHSS Cog4 score.
Added Name of person entering the data.
Added Please sign the form.
PES treatment 1
Added Date of insertion of first catheter?.
PES treatment 6
Added Date of insertion of second catheter?.
Serious Adverse Event
Added read-only Date of Treatments box (no change to questions
on printable form, details are only shown if treatment applies).
3 Feb 2023 |
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added new inclusion B3. dysphagia
FOIS 3: Tube dependent with consistent oral intake of food or liquid
(14-31 day post stroke)
Added exclusion B17. Pregnant
Added Section C: Eligibility check
Added Section D: Consent (mandatory)
Added E1a. Is an associate PI involved?
Added E1b. Name of associate PI
Updated E3a. What is your professional role?
Added E3b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added E5. Please enter your name if you did not collect the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 000
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A6. Ethnicity
Added A6b. If 'Other', please specify ethnicity
Updated B1. Modified Rankin scale (mRS), premorbid / pre-stroke
Changed B6. Stroke syndrome
Changed Section D: Clinical state now at time of enrolment
questions to include ND=Not done
Added E6b. Schematic of where the frontal operculum is [Galovic et
al. JAMA Neurology 11 Feb 2019])
Added F3b. Schematic of where the frontal operculum is [Galovic et
al. JAMA Neurology 11 Feb 2019])
Updated G2. Already in any hyper-acute or acute stroke research
trial(s)? ProFATE
Updated H2a. What is his/her professional role?
Added H2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 000 clinical
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated C2. Functional oral intake scale (FOIS)
3: Tube dependent with consistent oral intake of food or liquid
(14-31 day post stroke) inclusion added and now editable
Updated C3. Feeding status score (FSS) now editable
Added C4a. Calculated PRESS score.
Updated Section D: EAT-10 swallowing screening tool at time of
enrolment. questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Updated E1. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS), now
Updated Section H: Penetration aspiration score (PAS) questions
can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added Section I: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) - Level of
Updated J2a. What is his/her professional role?
Added J2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 000 EQ-5D-5L
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added A5a. Who is answering the questions?
Added A5b. If 'Other' or 'Not available', please specify who
answered the questions
Updated Section B: Quality of life EQ-5D and EQ-VAS questions at
time of enrolment. questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added B7a. Is EQ-VAS rating between 0 and 100 available?
Added Section C: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 000 IQCODE
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added Section B: Informant
Added B2. Has an informant been consented?
Added B3a. Relationship to Participant
Added B3b. If 'Other', please specify relationship
Updated Section D: The 4A Test - Collateral information (4AT)
removed questions and allow for ND=Not done
Updated Section E: Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Questionnaire
Version (NPI-Q) questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added Section G: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 000 cognition
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A6. Is the participant available to answerthese
questions? added 'Assessment by post'
Added Alertness (4AT) B2. questions
Updated Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)
Updated Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)
Updated Clinical Frailty Score (CFS)
Updated B7. Most limited function care-home admission (R4VaD)
Updated B8. Clinical diagnosis of dementia (R4VaD)
Updated B8. Clinical diagnosis of dementia (R4VaD)
Updated Section B9: Short Zung Interviewer-assisted Depression
Rating Scale (Short Zung I.D.S.)
Updated Section B10: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)
Added Section C1-C3: Cognitive impairment & Delirium Rating: 6-CiT,
4AT & R4VaD
Updated Section C4-C25: Cognition tests allow for ND=Not done
Added Section F: Cognition test Domain totals.
Added Section J: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 1
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 1st treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 1st PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Updated B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. First PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. First PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation level)
Updated B6. First PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 1?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added F4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 2
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 2nd treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 2nd PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Added B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. Second PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. Second PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation
Updated B6. Second PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 2?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added F4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 3
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 3rd treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 3rd PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Added B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. Third PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. Third PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation level)
Updated B6. Third PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 3?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added F4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 4
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 4th treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 4th PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Added B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. Fourth PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. Fourth PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation
Updated B6. Fourth PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 4?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added F4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 5
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 5th treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 5th PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Added B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. Fifth PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. Fifth PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation level)
Updated B6. Fifth PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 5?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added F4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
PES treatment 6
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 6th treatment
Added Section B:
Show treatment description
Show how to determine the treatment level
Updated B1b. If not, why was the 6th PES treatment not
Added B1c. If 'Other', please specify reason for treatment not
Added B2. Date of insertion of first catheter?
Updated B4. Sixth PES threshold mA? (lowest stimulation level)
Updated B5. Sixth PES tolerance mA? (highest stimulation level)
Updated B6. Sixth PES calculated stimulation level mA? (as per
displayed on the device)
now editable
Added Show calculated stimulation levels
Updated B8b. Please explain why actual stimulation differs from the
calculated stimulation
Added B9b. Please explain why actual treatment not done for 10:00
Added B9c. If 'Other', please specify reason why full 10:00 minutes
not done
Added LOT numbers and replaced catheter(s)
Updated B10a. How many PES catheters were used?
Updated C1a. Were there any equipment/device problems during
treatment 6?
Added C1b. Description of device or equipment failure
Added Section D: Urgent safety measure: (safety button used to stop
Added Section E: SWAT and reportable event
Added Section G: Summary of PES treatments
Updated H2a. What is your professional role?
Added H2b. If 'Other', please specify your role
Added H4. Please enter your name if you did not do the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 014 primary outcome
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A4a. Follow-up status at day 14
Added A4b. If follow-up 'Refused', please specify reason for
Updated C2. Functional oral intake scale (FOIS)
3: Tube dependent with consistent oral intake of food or liquid
(14-31 day post stroke) inclusion added and now editable
Updated C3. Feeding status score (FSS) now editable
Added C4a. Calculated PRESS score.
Updated Section D: EAT-10 swallowing screening tool at time of
enrolment. questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Updated E1. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS), now
Added G1. Can NIHSS scores be obtained?
Updated Section H: Penetration aspiration score (PAS) questions
can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added Section I: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) - Level of
Added Section J:Other clinical information
Added Section K: Recruitment recollection
Updated L2a. What is his/her professional role?
Added L2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added Section M: 2nd Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 014 EQ-5D-5L
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added A5a. Who is answering the questions?
Added A5b. If 'Other' or 'Not available', please specify who
answered the questions
Updated Section B: Quality of life EQ-5D and EQ-VAS questions at
time of enrolment. questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added B7a. Is EQ-VAS rating between 0 and 100 available?
Added Section C: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 014 IQCODE
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added Section B: Informant
Added B2. Has an informant been consented?
Added B3a. Relationship to Participant
Added B3b. If 'Other', please specify relationship
Updated Section D: The 4A Test - Collateral information (4AT)
removed questions and allow for ND=Not done
Updated Section E: Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Questionnaire
Version (NPI-Q) questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added Section G: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Day 014 cognition
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated A6. Is the participant available to answerthese
questions? added 'Assessment by post'
Added Alertness (4AT) B2. questions
Updated Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI)
Updated Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)
Updated Clinical Frailty Score (CFS)
Updated B7. Most limited function care-home admission (R4VaD)
Updated B8. Clinical diagnosis of dementia (R4VaD)
Updated B8. Clinical diagnosis of dementia (R4VaD)
Updated Section B9: Short Zung Interviewer-assisted Depression
Rating Scale (Short Zung I.D.S.)
Updated Section B10: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)
Added Section C1-C3: Cognitive impairment & Delirium Rating: 6-CiT,
4AT & R4VaD
Updated Section C4-C25: Cognition tests allow for ND=Not done
Added Section F: Cognition test Domain totals.
Added Section J: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Discharge or died
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Updated Section E: Other clinical information
Added Section F: Penetration aspiration score (PAS)
Updated G2a. What is your professional role?
Added G2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Discharge or died EQ-5D-5L
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added A5a. Who is answering the questions?
Added A5b. If 'Other' or 'Not available', please specify who
answered the questions
Updated Section B: Quality of life EQ-5D and EQ-VAS questions at
time of enrolment. questions can be ND=Not done or NK=Not known
Added B7a. Is EQ-VAS rating between 0 and 100 available?
Added Section C: Assessor information
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added PES treatments
Added Section A: Contact person
Added A2a. Role of person contacted
Added A2b. If 'Other', please specify the role
Added A5. Please log time in minutes spent talking to the site
Added Participant details
Added Associated treatment
Updated B5a. Trigger
Added B5b. If 'Other', please specify trigger
Added Section C: Reason
Added Section E: Additional information
Added Section F: Trainer
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Serious Adverse Event
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Updated Days in banner
Added Section A: Participant details
Added Status
Added Show treatment dates
Added B1. PES treatments given
Added D1a (i). Definition of causality
Updated F2a. What is your professional role?
Added F2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Device deficiency
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added Status
Updated B4a. Were there any equipment/device problems?
Added B4b. If 'Other', please give a short description of the
Updated D2a. What is your professional role?
Added D2b. If 'Other', please specify role
Added D4. Please enter your name if you did not collect the
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Protocol violation
Added banner, warnings & question numbers
Added Section A: Participant details
Added C2a. Type of protocol violation
Added C2b. If 'Other', please specify protocol violation type
Added C4. Device or equipment related deviation
Added C5. Urgent safety measure related deviation.
Added Section D: Assessor information.
Added Comments and full explanation for missing data
Protocol deviation
24 Feb 2023 |
Serious Adverse Event
Update heading version number.
18 May 2023 |
Updated B3. Clinical dysphagia defined as a functional oral intake
scale (FOIS) score of 1 or 2 or 3?
Updated D1a. Consent obtained from Independent physician (England,
Wales, Northern Ireland & Austria)
Day 000 clinical
Updated SECTION B note: DSRS supervision score 3 is always chosen
when a patient is on limited or consistent oral trials and still
requires NG/ PEG/ RIG tube.
Updated C1. Feeding tube type : Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
(PEG or RIG) tube feeding
Updated C2. Functional oral intake scale (FOIS) 3: Tube dependent
with consistent oral intake of food or liquid
Updated C2. Functional oral intake scale (FOIS): Eligibility: FOIS
score of 1 or 2 or FOIS 3
Updated C3. Feeding status score (FSS) 4: Non-oral diet/fluids,
percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG or RIG) tube feeding
5 Jul 2023 |
Updated B15. Palliative care added as an exclusion.
Day 000 clinical
Updated Section D: EAT-10 swallowing screening tool at time of
enrolment, new option 5: Not eating, i.e. tube fed.
Day 014 primary outcome
Updated A4a. Follow-up status at day 14, new option
Randomised to control.
Updated Section B label DSRS supervision score 3, with
Updated C1. Feeding tube type with RIG.
Updated C2. Functional oral intake scale (FOIS), removed
(14-31 day post stroke).
Updated C3. Feeding status score (FSS) with RIG.
Updated Section D: EAT-10 swallowing screening tool, new option
5: Not eating, i.e. tube fed.
Updated G9. NIHSS 9. Best language, removed ** An exclusion
criterion **.
Updated G10. NIHSS 10. Dysarthria, removed ** An exclusion
criterion **.
Updated Section K: Recruitment recollection, get assessor's
opinion before getting participant's.
Day 014 cognition
Updated A7. Presence of severe dysphasia?, removed ** An
exclusion criterion **.
Device deficiency
Updated B4a. Were there any equipment/device problems? to
remove instructions.
Added B4c. Was there an associated: ADE, SADE, UADE, USADE.
Discharge or died
Updated C4. Discharged with PEG or RIG.
Added E3. An antiplatelet for thinning blood?
Added E4. An oral anticoagulant for thinning blood?
Added E5. A statin for lowering cholesterol?
Added E6. One or more blood pressure lowering tablets?
Added E7. A tablet for protecting the stomach from bleeding?
PES treatment 1
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 1st treatment, new
option Randomised to control.
PES treatment 2
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 2nd treatment, new
option Randomised to control.
PES treatment 3
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 3rd treatment ,
new option Randomised to control.
PES treatment 4
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 4th treatment ,
new option Randomised to control.
PES treatment 5
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 5th treatment ,
new option Randomised to control.
PES treatment 6
Updated A4a. Follow-up status for 6th treatment ,
new option Randomised to control.
Serious Adverse Event
Added SAE number for reference.
Added Section G: PI review.
Added G1. Reviewed by PI.
Added G2. I have reviewed and agree with this SAE.
Added G3. Please enter PI name.
Added G4. Please sign the form.
Updated D1. Training route, added 4: Email.
30 Oct 2023 |
Day 000
Updated G2. Already in any hyper-acute or acute stroke research
trial(s)? to include MACE-ICH
27 Nov 2023 |
Updated B2. Recent IS or ICH stroke between 2 and 31 days
Added B18. Known presence of a pharyngeal pouch.
Added B19. Investigator believes dysphagia will be short-term.
Day 000
Updated B3. Date of Stroke (Eligibility: within 2-31 days).
29 Nov 2023 |
Day 000 IQCODE
Day 014 IQCODE
Day 090 IQCODE
Day 180 IQCODE
Day 365 IQCODE
18 Jan 2024 |
Day 000 clinical
Added IDD FDS to Section C label Feeding information.
Added subsection C4 IDDSI Functional Diet Scale score.
Added C4a. Food prescription.
Added C4b. Drink prescription.
Calculated IDDSI Functional Diet Scale.
Renumbered C4 PRESS section scores to C5.
Day 014 primary outcome
Added IDD FDS to Section C label Feeding information.
Added subsection C4 IDDSI Functional Diet Scale score.
Added C4a. Food prescription.
Added C4b. Drink prescription.
Calculated IDDSI Functional Diet Scale.
Renumbered C4 PRESS section scores to C5.
18 Dec 2024 |
Added inclusion criterion B4: Baseline DSRS supervision score of
either 3 (requiring therapeutic feeding by SALT team; on oral trials)
or 4 (No oral feeding).
Changed exclusion criterion B9:
Use or planned use of electrical or
magnetic stimulation (e.g. NMES, rTMS) for dysphagia? to B10.
Ongoing treatment of dysphagia with other forms of electrical/magnetic
stimulation (e.g. NMES, TCDS, rTMS or Ampcare), or devices (e.g. EMST,
IQORO, IOPI, biofeedback that uses EMG electrodes, or chin tuck
against resistance using a ball/chin depressor) - this applies for the
duration of the trial.
Added exclusion criterion B21: Participant is risk-feeding at time
of screening.
PES treatment 1
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
PES treatment 2
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
PES treatment 3
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
PES treatment 4
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
Corrected 'forth' typos.
PES treatment 5
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
PES treatment 6
Removed text:
The catheter will be replaced once only if pulled out
before 3 treatments have been administered.
Changed note for B10a: How many PES catheters were used? from
(Should have been 1 or 2) to instead read (Up to 6)
Changed B10b: Date of insertion of new catheter? from
second to new.
Protocol violation
Added new protocol violation option to C2a: Other
electrical/magnetic stimulation device used.
20 Feb 2025 |
Day 000
Updated G2. Already in any hyper-acute or acute stroke research
trial(s)? to include GEKO and remove ENOS-2, ProFATE,
Day 000 clinical
Added subsection C5a to C5i Free water protocol DSRS, FOIS, FSS and
IDDSI: Based on what the patient is actually doing (i.e. unlimited
thin fluids).
Day 014 primary outcome
Updated C1. Feeding tube type to add option None for no
PEG, RIG nor NGT tube.
Added subsection C5a to C5i Free water protocol DSRS, FOIS, FSS and
IDDSI: Based on what the patient is actually doing (i.e. unlimited
thin fluids).
Updated guideline-based standard-of-care. The catheter will be
replaced once only if pulled out before 3 treatments have been
administered., with The catheter will be replaced if pulled
out or removed before 6 treatments have been administered..